Monday, November 29, 2010

27.11.10: gunner shaw: race day

Strength: The quality or state of being strong; ability to do or to bear; capacity for exertion or endurance, whether physical, intellectual, or moral; force; vigor; power; a, strength of body or of the arm; strength of mind, of memory, or of judgement.

i wrote the letters on my arm in permanent black ink. i asked for the strength to keep running. i asked for the strength to push through when i wanted to stop. the strength to run fast, to give it my best effort, and to greet my family and friends with a smile no matter what the outcome.

race day.

was i ready? it didn't matter now. i woke up feeling nervous, but something else too...giddy? excited? after all this time, i was finally looking forward to this race! the weather was stunning: beautiful sunshine and warmer than i had expected. i ate a breakfast of oatmeal, fruit, and water and packed an after race care bag, complete with a towel, food, and a spare set of clothes.

there were 398 people at the starting line making it the largest mass start they had ever seen at the gunner shaw. my race partner, SB, and i started slow as we shuffled between the other racers, everyone jostling for their position. I pushed myself right from the beginning. i knew this was going to be tough for me and i wanted to hold nothing back so i locked my eyes onto the person ahead of me and chased them down the trail.

the course was amazing! it was every bit as slippery, icy, hilly, and beautiful as people said it would be. the route was changed slightly to divert racers around the swamp instead of through it, on account of the ice this year. but i was ok with that!! the race marshal told us there was three inches of ice on the swamp and if we race through it the ice would cut our shins.

every time i wanted to stop i would look at the word strength written on my arm and think of why i was here. this was a strategy borrowed from JU, my good friend and competitive ultra racer. as part of her race prep routine she often finds an inspirational quote and writes it on her arm so when the body wants to stop, the mind can find inspiration and push through. i have to say, it is a beautifully simple and extremely effective strategy. it made me think of my goals for this race, think of who i was running for, and it brought me all the way back to the purpose of MOVEment. i wanted to inspire others. i wanted to show people what it meant to take control of your health and fitness and challenge yourself. i wanted to show anyone who would watch me, 'look! if i can do this, you can too'! wearing my MOVEment t-shirt also reminded me that i was part of a team. this team consists of everyone who supports MOVEment and who strives to live an active lifestyle.

completing the race was thrilling! i ran out of the trees, into the lake, and across the finish line to my waiting family and friends. my time was 01:01:01 which placed me 308 out of 398 racers. what amazed me was that i shaved off nearly 10minutes from my most recent 10km training runs and this was by far, the hardest terrain i have ever run on! that is a great personal record for me!

i can't thank enough the people who supported me and came to watch me race. and my race partner, i don't know if i could have done it without you! the support means so much to me.

my 'runners high' lasted well over five hours that day...and when i think about it, i still can't wipe the silly grin off my face!

so would i do it again?

you bet! SB and i were already talking about the race next year. and i will look for other races too. this showed me that i am capable of entering the trail running world, capable of achieving a goal, and pushing myself through something that scared me a little.

that evening in the shower, i scrubbed at the black letters on my arm but strength refused to wash away. and i was just fine with that.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

25.11.10: race prep

this cold weather has thrown me off a bit.
what should i wear for my race?
how wet will i get?
will it be icy?
will they change the route due to safety concerns?
i have settled on a mix of lululemon and mountain equipment co-op gear, with frontrunner socks and my favorite la sportiva trail runners. this should do fine. i have run in this gear before.
so many thoughts swirling around in my head tonight.
i am getting excited...a little bit. this sounds silly but sometimes i actually get running cravings. really. my body (and my mind) will start to crave running if i have not done it in a while. and i have not run all week.
will i have eaten what i should?
will i have enough energy?
why am i even concerned about all this?! the run is meant to be for fun, right? my training partner SB and i have our matching MOVEment t-shirts and we are out there to have fun!
so relax....
let go of expectations...
just run.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

what is holding me back?


what is holding me back?

i have never truly achieved the fitness level i have wanted to achieve. i have not yet seen my goals through. why don't i push myself harder? what is holding me back?

sometimes we get stuck in other people's perception of ourselves. we act a certain way because that is how we believe other people see us and how we believe others want us to act.

sometimes we also get stuck in our own perceptions of ourselves. we cease to move forward because we become rooted to the only 'us' we have ever known, the one who is still trying to achieve their goals. still trying is great but that's exactly all it is.

still trying.

i want to be more than that. i want to be the one who actually achieves her goals and accomplishes her dreams. then i want to dream bigger and do it all again. i want to be fearless and realize that i can not fail. i can only learn and achieve more than i ever thought i could. instead of thinking of myself as the person i once was, i need to think of myself as the person i desire to become, because somewhere deep inside, she already exists. i just have to bring her out a little more.

i want to train harder for my race in two weeks. not just 'i need to' but 'i want to'. i want to because it is who i want to be and what i want to achieve.

what else do i want to achieve....

  • have a garden.
  • write a novel.
  • sell my paintings.
  • publish a book of poetry.
  • roll my kayak.
  • live in tofino for a year.
  • own a house.
  • have a family.
  • graduate university with my recreation and health education degree.
  • compete in more trail races.
  • create my own personal training company.
  • be a source of positive energy.
  • teach a yoga class.
  • laugh more.

what do you want to do?

and what is holding you back?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

the next adventure...

i have exactly 23 more days until i run in the gunner shaw 2010 race.

my training:
  • three runs a week:
  • one long distance (10km), one 30min (or 5km) focused on speed training, and one run 30 min (or 5km) focused on strength training such as hills and stairs.

my goal:
  • run this race in 1hour.

my motivation:
  • trail running is one of the most exhilarating ways to explore the forest! i love the physical and mental challenge of the technical terrain. this type of running is completely different form road running and although some might consider it a bit more dangerous, i highly recommend it!! i am so excited to prove to myself that i can accomplish something like this.

i am motivated by others who have also done physical challenges:
  • my friend SB ran her first sprint triathlon this past summer!
  • my friend JU has become a force to be reckoned with in the world of competitive ultra trail running!
  • my mother is about to complete her 100 days of MOVEment and has been hiking every week!

...these (and many more) are the things that inspire me.

my fears:
  • i won't have trained enough.
  • i won't achieve my goal.
  • i will embarrass myself in front of the family and friends who are coming to watch me.
  • i will injure myself.

i must remeber:

"impossible is not a's an opinion"