the afterparty...
"are you going to exercise tomorrow?"
"well...what do you guys think? do you think i should stop?"
thank you to all my dear friends and family who were able to come out and share some MOVEment stories last night as i celebrated my 100th day. it truly meant the world to me!
i started this project for three reasons:
to share my fitness journey, to dispel several common myths about fitness, and to hopefully inspire others to take control of their own fitness and health goals.
the myths i wanted to dispel were:
myth 1: exercise is boring.
truth 1: i did not find my time exercising to be boring at all. the activities i used for my MOVEment included walking, group yoga classes, hiking, trail running, hot yoga, group fitness classes at BDHQ, crossfit, running, outdoor bootcamp with my friends, and weight lifting (and maybe some others...). i also found the exercise session changed drastically depending on who else was there with me. it could go from a solo run to a hike with my family or trying a new class with a girlfriend. i really relied on the support from my family and friends to make my MOVEment interesting everyday.
myth 2: i don't have time for exercise.
truth 2: if exercise is a priority in your life, you will make time for it. i did struggle with this concept but it definitely rings true. during my challenge i attended three weddings, took a month long family vacation, attended school, and started a new job. some days were more difficult than others but there is time for exercise if it becomes a priority! we all lead busy lives but discovering what is meaningful in your life and making it a priority is absolutely essential to being successful and happy.
myth 3: exercising for too many days in a row will hurt you.
truth 3: variety is the key!! i had to vary the intensity of my MOVEment from gentle to moderate to hard depending on how my body (and mind) were feeling that day. some days i was ready for something extreme and other days...a simple walk did just fine. but the goal of MOVement was simply that: MOVE.
i believe this challenge was a complete success. what i find most meaningful, however, is not that i completed 100 days of MOVEment, but that other people joined me! i am so grateful and amazed at the support i have around me. i know i can choose a goal and have the people i care about (and maybe even complete strangers!) support and believe in me and what ever cause i choose to take on.
does this mean MOVEment is over?
NO! absolutely not! it can't be. there are still people starting this challenge everyday and we need to be there to support them just as they have supported us. i will continue to post information, photos, questions, and advice on the community facebook site and i encourage you to do the same. this site will also remain active. after all, there are countless more challenges out there!
the next challenge that i will be focusing on and training for is the gunner shaw 2010 trail race. this race is 10km through the trails of thetis lake and claims to be a real fall classic, complete with giant mud puddles, hills, and fallen trees. i will be updating you on my training schedule, the gear i will use, and my physical and mental challenges as i go through the race experience.
until then...
What moves you?
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