am: 3.5 hour hike in east sooke park.
thanks to a good friend, DL, who not only drove us out there, but made sure i didn't get lost in the park (navigation isn't my strong point, as those who know me will tell you).
for more information on this specacular park, visit:
if you decide to hike, be sure to prepare yourself appropriately.
if you decide to hike, be sure to prepare yourself appropriately.
one of the many outdoor stores in victoria, such as mountain equipment co-op, is the perfect place to start. mec has a survival gear checklist with tons of additional information on hiking basics on their website.
04.01.11: tue
am: strength training: upper body weights at Y.
05.01.11: wed
am: karate class (more about this soon!!!).
pm: strength training: lower body weights at Y.
credit to CI; i wouldn't have gone if she didn't push me to.
06.01.11: thu
am: strength training: upper body weights at Y.
07.01.11: fri
pm: 1 hr gentle yoga class. a wonderful way to relax an stretch out those muscles at the end of the week.
08.01.11: sat
am: a mini bootcamp and urban trail run along dallas rd in the sunshine. i wasn't feeling particularly strong today for some reason and that discouraged me. on a positive note: the waterfront was especially beautiful and bootcamp training partner, NR, and i stopped for a brief meditation on the beach before continuing our jog.
09.01.11: sun
am: CI and i walked around elk and beaver lake, taking our time to complete the 10km trail through the forest and along the water. these popular victoria lakes are beautiful anytime of year and the walk was a perfect way to warm up the body on a cool sunday morning. watch the ice!
something to work on for next week.
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