Friday, May 6, 2011

what are you afraid of?

what really holds us back?
this is a topic i have explored before...but i need to get to the bottom of this. what is it?

i think it is FEAR.



1. a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.

2. a specific instance of or propensity for such a feeling: an abnormal fear of heights.

3. concern or anxiety; solicitude: a fear for someone's safety.

what are we all so afraid of?
i am afraid of failure. afraid of failing the people who have believed in me: my family, my friends, and my MOVEment supporters (yes, i am afraid of disappointing you,of not being who you wish i was, of failing you.) i am afraid of failing and making that critic inside my head say "i told you you couldn't do it".
i am afraid of not achieving, not succeeding, of trying too hard, of not trying hard enough, of not making a difference, of being too real, of being vulnerable, of not being real enough, and of actually being successful.
and i am sick of being afraid.
so what's your advice? what would you tell me?
i know what i would say to you.
you probably can't beat the fear, you just have to learn to work with it. stand up to it. yes, you might fail...but you should try anyway. why? because what would be the point if you didn't? if nobody failed, learned, got back up again, and just TRIED, what kind of lives would we have?
even as i write this, i have an idea brewing in my mind of a challenge i want to take on...a challenge i am afraid to tell people about yet because what if it's not possible for me? what if i fail? in many ways it is easier to not try, not venture outside my comfort zone, and not put myself in the path of failure. but then i might always have this thought:
what if...

25.04.11: day 19
30 min walk.
full body strength.

26.04.11: day 20
1 hr trail run around mt doug with my running coach and friend.

27.04.11: day 21
upper body strength workout.

28.04.11: day 22
am: 20 min waterfront jog.
pm: lower body strength.

29.04.11: day 23
37 min run.

30.04.11: day 24
upper body strength.

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