Thursday, February 16, 2012

...and that is why we have coaches.

"i actually don't know how to do a box jump. i mean...i know how to do one. you jump. onto a box. but it freaks me out for some reason. i can't jump very high."

"that's fine. we can work with that".

i am at a crossfit class and much to my horror, the WOD (Workout Of the Day) consists of a significant number of box jumps. although box jumps are a relatively simple skill for many people, I am having an incredibly difficult time with it. The coach uses a variety of techniques to bring up my confidence such as stepping up onto the box, jumping down, moving closer, etc. A second coach comes over and stands in front of me with her hands out. I place my palms on hers to give me support and I jump. Good. Lets try that again. We repeat...and at the last moment before i land on the box, she takes her hands away!!

"you tricked me!!" i shriek, and both coaches burst out laughing because i had just done a perfect box jump on my own....and didn't even realize it.

i completed every prescribed box jump for the rest of the workout with out a single hiccup and i realized.......that is why we have coaches.

 i had a mental block around this....i was clearly physically capable of completing the skill, but i just couldn't make myself do it. and i am a personal trainer! i know how to teach skills, but i could not do this for myself. today my crossfit coaches got me to perform a skill i had never done before, and that is amazing.

i can't help but wonder.....with the support of those around me, what will i accomplish tomorrow?

do you have a coach who has helped you through the barriers you put up for yourself?
have you told them how much it meant to you?

and for fun......check out the crossfit coaches at the zone in Victoria.

so the count begins....
01:02:12: day 1
30min spin and 30min treadmill jog.

02:02:12: day 2
crossfit work out. sooo many box jumps :) 

03:02:12: day 3
stretching and deep massage with a lacrosse ball tonight. gentle MOVEment day 

04:02:12: day 4
walking downtown

05:02:12: day 5
easy walk 45min along the water by moonlight. i had forgotten how beautiful the ocean was at night.

06:02:12: day 6
Walk and short home workout: squats, pushups, crunches. 

07:02:12: day 7
30min spin, 30min treadmill jog

08:02:12: day 8
cross fit, baby! squats, assisted pullups, and a completely supported handstand! haha

09:02:12: day 9
40Min spin

10:02:12: day 10
Crossfit again. I'm really enjoying it. Going 2x a week. Exercises are performed at a higher intensity than I usually train at which makes them extremely challenging and extremely rewarding for me. And the community has been amazing so far! I have never been anywhere else where people cheer for me as I struggle through a workout!

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