Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wiping the Floor Clean

At CrossFit Nanaimo, as customary in most if not all CrossFit boxes worldwide, black rubber is laid on the floor and sidewalk chalk is provided should we want to write down the WOD or our reps and sets. I always write this information down as I have found when I am facing the intensity of a WOD, there is no way I can also keep track of my reps (or any other information in that case). I have also taken to photographing the chalk on the floor to remind me what work I have done that day, and posting the pictures to show others my MOVEment.

After the class I take the spray and a mop and wipe the floor clean. At first this seemed a shame to wipe away the record of all the work I had just if it didn't mean anything at all. But now I realize there is a therapeutic analogy to be taken from this. No matter how hard the workout, no matter what effort I put in that day, it needs to be the best I can offer in that moment. Because I won't have another chance at that moment. Because it all gets wiped clean afterwards.

This is akin to living in the moment. We must give our best in that moment, give whatever we are capable and comfortable giving, because we don't know what opportunities or hardship may lay in front of us.

And tomorrow is another day. This is reassuring because if I don't reach my goal, there is no failure. I just need to try again tomorrow. All that work and all that effort will need to happen the next day. and the one after that. We can always have chances to improve, if we take them.

The two ideas seem contradictory: live in the moment because that's all we have and you will always have another chance to improve.

But that is the reality of life, is it not?

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