Wednesday, October 27, 2010

27.10.10: DAY 100

DAY 100

i began my day with a jog to the water, two of my most favorite things (jogging and water, that is). i was feeling strong, powerful, and inspired. this is the last day of my challenge. but what should i make of that?

as i was sitting at the water i reflected on how excited i was to get out and run today because today felt like a very special day to me. it was my day 100 after all! and then i realized that in reality this day was no different than any other day. i had chosen today to be special at random. it could have been another day. and i realized today, the present moment, is all we really have. there is no more yesterday and no such thing as tomorrow yet. we only have today. and if i could make today special just by choosing it to be, than i could do this with any other day as well. and if i could be excited about exercising today, than i could be excited about it any other day too!

as i completed my run and looked out over the ocean, my most prominent feeling was that of being ALIVE. simply ALIVE. my body has allowed me to appreciate the beauty that is all around me, not just in this fall morning, but around me every single day. i did not feel concern for the projects i had to accomplish, the exams, the clients at work, or the dishes in my sink. i only felt grateful to be alive. and i held onto this peace and gratitude and took it with me into the rest of my day.

now if i could do this today, i could do it everyday.

i think we should all take the time to find out what brings us true joy and true peace and commit to incorporating it (whatever it is) into our lives. we owe it to ourselves and the community around us.
for me, it is MOVEment. adding MOVEment into my life everyday brings me so much more than just physical benefits. i think (i hope) anyone who has committed to this challenge will discover this for themselves...i don't have to tell you.
so moving forward....
new goals?
another direction?
we shall see....

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